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Bases: BasePlugin[RssPluginConfig]

Main class for MkDocs plugin.

__init__() #


on_config(config) #

The config event is the first event called on build and is run immediately after the user configuration is loaded and validated. Any alterations to the config should be made here.

:param config: global configuration object :type config: config_options.Config

:raises FileExistsError: if the template for the RSS feed is not found

:return: plugin configuration object :rtype: dict

on_page_content(html, page, config, files) #

The page_content event is called after the Markdown text is rendered to HTML (but before being passed to a template) and can be used to alter the HTML body of the page.

:param html: HTML rendered from Markdown source as string :type html: str :param page: mkdocs.nav.Page instance :type page: Page :param config: global configuration object :type config: config_options.Config :param files: global navigation object :type files: [type]

:return: HTML rendered from Markdown source as string :rtype: str

on_post_build(config) #

The post_build event does not alter any variables. Use this event to call post-build scripts. See:

:param config: global configuration object :type config: config_options.Config :return: global configuration object :rtype: dict

Bases: Config

Configuration for RSS plugin for Mkdocs.

Bases: NamedTuple

Data type to set and get page information in order to produce the RSS feed.

Plugin logic.

__init__(path='.', use_git=True, integration_material_social_cards=None) #

Class hosting the plugin logic.


Name Type Description Default
path str

path to the git repository to use. Defaults to ".".

use_git bool

flag to use git under the hood or not. Defaults to True.

integration_material_social_cards bool

option to enable integration with Social Cards plugin from Material theme. Defaults to True.


build_url(base_url, path, args_dict=None) #

Build URL using base URL, cumulating existing and passed path, then adding URL arguments.

:param base_url: base URL with existing path to use :type base_url: str :param path: URL path to cumulate with existing :type path: str :param args_dict: URL arguments to add, defaults to None :type args_dict: dict, optional

:return: complete and valid URL :rtype: str

feed_to_json(feed, *, updated=False) staticmethod #

Format internal feed representation as a JSON Feed compliant dict.

:param feed: internal feed structure, i. e. GitRssPlugin.feed_created/feed_updated value :type feed: dict :param updated: True if this is a feed_updated :type updated: bool

:return: dict that can be passed to json.dump :rtype: dict

filter_pages(pages, attribute, length) staticmethod #

Filter and return pages into a friendly RSS structure.

:param pages: pages to filter :type pages: list :param attribute: page attribute as filter variable :type attribute: str :param length: max number of pages to return :type length: int

:return: list of filtered pages :rtype: list

get_authors_from_meta(in_page) #

Returns authors from page meta. It handles 'author' and 'authors' for keys, str and iterable as values types.

:param in_page: page to look into :type in_page: Page

:return: tuple of authors names :rtype: Tuple[str] or None

get_categories_from_meta(in_page, categories_labels) #

Returns category from page meta.

:param in_page: input page to parse :type in_page: Page :param categories_labels: meta tags to look into :type categories_labels: Iterable

:return: found categories :rtype: tuple

get_date_from_meta(date_metatag_value, meta_datetime_format, meta_datetime_timezone, meta_default_time) #

Get date from page.meta handling str with associated datetime format and date already transformed by MkDocs.

:param date_metatag_value: value of page.meta.{tag_for_date} :type date_metatag_value: str :param meta_datetime_format: expected format of datetime :type meta_datetime_format: str :param meta_datetime_timezone: timezone to use :type meta_datetime_timezone: str :param meta_default_time: time to set if not specified :type meta_default_time: datetime

:return: datetime :rtype: datetime

get_description_or_abstract(in_page, chars_count=160, abstract_delimiter=None) #

Returns description from page meta. If it doesn't exist, use the page content up to {abstract_delimiter} or the {chars_count} first characters from page content (in markdown).

:param Page in_page: page to look at :param int chars_count: if page.meta.description is not set, number of chars of the content to use. Defaults to: 160 - optional :param str abstract_delimiter: description delimiter, defaults to None

:return: page description to use :rtype: str

get_file_dates(in_page, source_date_creation='git', source_date_update='git', meta_datetime_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', meta_default_timezone='UTC', meta_default_time=None) #

Extract creation and update dates from page metadata (yaml frontmatter) or git log for given file.

:param in_page: input page to work with :type in_page: Page :param source_date_creation: which source to use (git or meta tag) for creation date, defaults to "git" :type source_date_creation: str, optional :param source_date_update: which source to use (git or meta tag) for update date, defaults to "git" :type source_date_update: str, optional :param meta_datetime_format: datetime string format, defaults to "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" :type meta_datetime_format: str, optional :param meta_default_timezone: timezone to use, defaults to "UTC" :type meta_default_timezone: str, optional :param meta_default_time: time to set if not specified, defaults to None :type meta_default_time: datetime, optional

:return: tuple of timestamps (creation date, last commit date) :rtype: Tuple[datetime, datetime]

get_image(in_page, base_url) #

Get page's image from page meta or social cards and returns properties.


Name Type Description Default
in_page Page

page to parse

base_url str

website URL to resolve absolute URLs for images referenced with local path.



Type Description
Optional[Tuple[str, str, int]]

Optional[Tuple[str, str, int]]: (image url, mime type, image length) or None if there is no image set

get_local_image_length(page_path, path_to_append) #

Calculates local image size in octets.


Name Type Description Default
page_path str

source path to the Mkdocs page

path_to_append str

path to append



Name Type Description
int int

size in octets

get_remote_image_length(image_url, http_method='HEAD', attempt=0, ssl_context=None) #

Retrieve length for remote images (starting with 'http' in meta.image or meta.illustration). It tries to perform a HEAD request and get the length from the headers. If it fails, it tries again with a GET and disabling SSL verification.

:param image_url: remote image URL :type image_url: str :param http_method: HTTP method used to perform request, defaults to "HEAD" :type http_method: str, optional :param attempt: request tries counter, defaults to 0 :type attempt: int, optional :param ssl_context: SSL context, defaults to None :type ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext, optional

:return: image length as str or None :rtype: Optional[int]

get_site_url(mkdocs_config) staticmethod #

Extract site URL from MkDocs configuration and enforce the behavior to ensure returning a str with length > 0 or None. If exists, it adds an ending slash.

:param mkdocs_config: configuration object :type mkdocs_config: Config

:return: site url :rtype: str or None

get_value_from_dot_key(data, dot_key) #

Retrieves a value from a dictionary using a dot notation key.

:param data: The dictionary from which to retrieve the value. :type data: dict :param dot_key: The key in dot notation to specify the path in the dictionary. :type dot_key: Union[str, bool]

:return: The value retrieved from the dictionary, or None if the key does not exist. :rtype: Any

guess_locale(mkdocs_config) #

Extract language code from MkDocs or Theme configuration.

:param mkdocs_config: configuration object :type mkdocs_config: Config

:return: language code :rtype: str or None


__init__(mkdocs_config, switch_force=True) #

Integration instanciation.


Name Type Description Default
mkdocs_config Config

Mkdocs website configuration object.

switch_force bool

option to force integration disabling. Set it to False to disable it even if Social Cards are enabled in Mkdocs configuration. Defaults to True.


get_social_card_build_path_for_page(mkdocs_page, mkdocs_site_dir=None) #

Get social card URL for a specific page in documentation.


Name Type Description Default
mkdocs_page Page

Mkdocs page object.

mkdocs_site_dir Optional[str]

Mkdocs build site dir. If None, the 'class.mkdocs_site_build_dir' is used. is Defaults to None.



Name Type Description
str Path

URL to the image once published

get_social_card_url_for_page(mkdocs_page, mkdocs_site_url=None) #

Get social card URL for a specific page in documentation.


Name Type Description Default
mkdocs_page Page

Mkdocs page object.

mkdocs_site_url Optional[str]

Mkdocs site URL. If None, the 'class.mkdocs_site_url' is used. is Defaults to None.



Name Type Description
str str

URL to the image once published

get_social_cards_dir(mkdocs_config) #

Get Social Cards folder within Mkdocs site_dir. See:


Name Type Description Default
mkdocs_config Config

Mkdocs website configuration object.



Name Type Description
str str

True if the theme material and the plugin social cards is enabled.

is_social_plugin_and_cards_enabled_mkdocs(mkdocs_config) #

Check if social cards plugin is enabled.


Name Type Description Default
mkdocs_config Config

Mkdocs website configuration object.



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the theme material and the plugin social cards is enabled.

is_social_plugin_enabled_mkdocs(mkdocs_config) #

Check if social plugin is installed and enabled.


Name Type Description Default
mkdocs_config Config

Mkdocs website configuration object.



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the theme material and the plugin social cards is enabled.

is_social_plugin_enabled_page(mkdocs_page, fallback_value=True) #

Check if the social plugin is enabled or disabled for a specific page. Plugin has to enabled in Mkdocs configuration before.


Name Type Description Default
mkdocs_page Page

Mkdocs page object.

fallback_value bool

fallback value. It might be the '' option in Mkdocs config. Defaults to True.



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the social cards are enabled for a page.

is_theme_material(mkdocs_config) #

Check if the theme set in mkdocs.yml is material or not.


Name Type Description Default
mkdocs_config Config

Mkdocs website configuration object.



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the theme's name is 'material'. False if not.