dicogis.constants module

Formats enums.

class dicogis.constants.AvailableLocales(value)

Bases: str, ExtendedEnum

Supported locale.

english = 'EN'
french = 'FR'
spanish = 'ES'
class dicogis.constants.ExtendedEnum(value)

Bases: Enum

Custom Enum with extended methods.

classmethod has_key(name)

Check if a certain key is present in enum.

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/62065380/2556577


name (str) – key to check.


True if the key exists.

Return type:


classmethod has_value(value)

Check if a certain value is present in enum.

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43634746/2556577


value (str) – value to check


True is the value exists.

Return type:


class dicogis.constants.FormatsRaster(value)

Bases: ExtendedEnum

Supported raster formats. Key=name, value = extension.

ecw = '.ecw'
geotiff = '.geotiff'
jpeg = '.jpeg'
class dicogis.constants.FormatsVector(value)

Bases: ExtendedEnum

Supported vectors formats. Key=name, value = extension.

dgn = '.dgn'
esri_shapefile = '.shp'
file_geodatabase_esri = '.gdb'
file_geodatabase_geopackage = '.gpkg'
file_geodatabase_spatialite = '.sqlite'
geojson = '.geojson'
gml = '.gml'
gxt = '.gml'
kml = '.kml'
mapinfo_tab = '.tab'
class dicogis.constants.JsonFlavors(value)

Bases: str, ExtendedEnum

JSON flavors.

dicogis = 'dicogis'
udata = 'udata'
class dicogis.constants.OutputFormats(value)

Bases: str, ExtendedEnum

Supported output formats.

excel = 'excel'
json = 'json'
udata = 'udata'