dicogis.ui.collapsible_frame module

Name: Custom collapsible frame Purpose: Allow toggle a frame in pure Python Tkinter.

Author: Julien Moura (@geojulien) Sources:

class dicogis.ui.collapsible_frame.ToggledFrame(parent=None, in_text='', toggle_width=2, start_opened=True, **kwargs)

Bases: Frame

A frame that can be toggled to open and close.

__init__(parent=None, in_text='', toggle_width=2, start_opened=True, **kwargs)

Initializes UI tab for end-user options.

  • parent (Optional[Widget]) – tkinter parent object

  • in_text (str) – text to display next to the toggle arrow. Defaults to empty string.

  • toggle_width (int) – width of the tgogle button(in characters). Defaults to 2.

  • kwargs – keyword arguments passed on to the ttk.Frame initializer


Toggle opened or closed.