dicogis.models.data_format module

Data format model.

class dicogis.models.data_format.FormatMatcher(name, alternative_names, data_structure, gdal_long_name, gdal_short_name, extension, dependencies_required, dependencies_optional, storage_kind)

Bases: object

Model for a format of dataset to be scanned.

  • name (str) – name of the format. Example: ‘ESRI File Geodatabase’

  • alternative_names (list) – potential alternative names. Example: [‘esri_filegdb’, ‘filegdb’]

  • storage_kind (str) – type of storage: directory, database, files

  • gdal_short_name (str) – short name of the format in the FME datum (referential). Example: ‘GEODATABASE_FILE’

  • extension (str) – extension for files and directorie. Example : ‘.gdb’

  • dependencies_required (str) – list of extensions of potential required dependencies. Example: [‘.dbf’, ‘.shx’].

  • dependencies_optional (str) – list of extensions of potential optional dependencies. Example: [‘.prj’,’.sbn’, ‘.sbx’].

__init__(name, alternative_names, data_structure, gdal_long_name, gdal_short_name, extension, dependencies_required, dependencies_optional, storage_kind)
alternative_names: list[str]
data_structure: str
dependencies_optional: list[str]
dependencies_required: list[str]
extension: str
gdal_long_name: str
gdal_short_name: str
name: str
storage_kind: str