DicoGIS - Documentation

Description: Create Excel spreadsheet describing geographical data from a PostGIS Database or a file tree structure.
Author and contributors: Julien Moura
Version: 4.0.0-beta9
Source code: https://github.com/Guts/DicoGIS/
License: Apache-2.0
Last documentation build: 26 July 2024


DicoGIS CLI and GUI side by side

What is it?

A self-porting utility that generates a spreadsheet with technical metadata from a geographic data source. Features:

  • supports a set of main GIS file formats and PostGIS databases

  • serializes results as MS Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) or JSON files

  • (experimental) publish metadata to an udata instance (used by the well-known French open data portal https://data.gouv.fr)

  • usable through a minimalist graphical interface (GUI) or as command-line (CLI)

  • open source (Apache 2)

  • free to use, not to develop/test/document (sponsorhips and tips welcome!)

  • embeds a version of GDAL/OGR to read data (no reinvented wheel here)

  • compatible with various operating systems (official support for Ubuntu LTS and Windows)

  • embraces the KISS principle and follows SemVer

Use cases

  • quick and dirty lookup on data sources (audit…)

  • simple knowledge sharing about GIS data

  • creating an appendix to a deliverable (study, atlas…) containing geographic data

  • publish metadata to external catalog

  • starter kit for data governance policy

Try it

  1. Go to the latest releases on GitHub

  2. Below Assets dropdown, download the flavor you want: CLI (command-line) or GUI (graphical)

  3. Give it permission to run:

    • chmod +x DicoGIS-*.exe on Linux

    • tell Windows it’s safe (if you think so ;) )

  4. Run it

Like it ? Fund it

This project if free to use, not to develop, test and document.
If it helped you to save some hours of labor, please consider to contribute to its development by funding a feature or sponsoring the project:

Pay for a feature, a bug fix, give us a one-time tip or, best of all, a regular sponsorship:

Thanks and look at the previous sponsors.


This screen cast has been made with an old version but the workflow is still pretty much the same

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