
The project aims to be fully tested on every targetted platform through intensive CI/CD on every Pull Request.

Still, it’s preferable to run tests locally before pushing to the public remote repository.


  • tests are located in the tests subfolder

  • a test file is prefixed with test_

  • ideally a test is written using the standard library, so as a “pure” unittest class, even if for some needs the pytest framework can be used.

  • quick tests scripts can be stored in tests/dev folder to illustrate or check a behavior


To run the tests, you need to install development requirements (Ubuntu or Windows).

Complete it by installing tests requirements:

python -m pip install -U -r requirements/testing.txt

Run unit tests

Simply run Pytest:


It’s also possible to run an individual test:

python -m unittest tests.test_qplugin_object.TestQgisPluginObject.test_profile_load_from_json_basic

Try current QDT version

Let’s say you’re working on a branch and you want to run QDT against your changes. Make the following changes to the scenario.qdt.yml to point to the current folder:

  - name: Download profiles from remote git repository
    uses: qprofiles-downloader
      source: file://.
      protocol: git_local

Every time you edit the profiles stored in the examples folder, don’t forget to commit to your local history:

git commit examples/ -m "wip"
QGIS_CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH=tests/fixtures/tmp/ qdt -vv -s scenario.qdt.yml