
As a stand-alone executable


  • operating system:

    • Linux (tested on Debian-based distribution)

    • Windows 10+

  • network:


  1. Download the latest release from GitHub Release:

  1. Make sure that it’s executable (typically on Linux: chmod u+x ./QGISDeploymentToolbelt_XXXXXX)

  2. Elaborate your scenario (or grab the sample from the repository)

  3. Run it:

    • from your favorite shell if you like the CLI - see the relevant section

    • store your scenario as scenario.qdt.yml in the same folder and double-click on the executable


MacOS version is not tested and is just here to encourage beta-testing and feedback to improve it.

As a Python package


  • Python 3.10+


The package is installable with pip:

pip install qgis-deployment-toolbelt

It’s then available as a CLI: see the relevant section

Using Docker

The package is published as container on GitHub Container Registry (GHCR):

docker pull

See container page for additional options and instructions.