QGIS Deployment Toolbelt (QDT) - Documentation

Description: QGIS deployment toolbelt is a CLI (Command Line Interface) to perform redundant operations after a QGIS deployment.
Author and contributors: Julien Moura (Oslandia), Vincent Bré (Oslandia)
Version: 0.34.5
Source code: https://github.com/Guts/qgis-deployment-cli/
License: Apache-2.0
Last documentation build: 06 June 2024

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QGIS Deployment Toolbelt CLI

What it is and the underlying philosophy

Development is leaded by the following principles and goals:

  • a tailor-made tool for QGIS ecosystem

  • open source and community driven

  • independant from the QGIS installation mode

  • packaged as CLI and prebuilt stand-alone binary

  • cross-platform but with a strong focus on Windows

  • documented

  • tested

  • usable with a single action (one-click run)

  • easily reusable

  • easily maintenable

  • compatible with automation mechanisms:

  • flexible enough to be adapted to an internal security policy (allowing to put a custom code certificate)

It’s not

  • an installer for QGIS

  • a packager helper


With Python

  1. Get QDT executable:

    pip install -U qgis-deployment-toolbelt


    It’s not directly related to QDT but check that the Python scripts folder is declared in your PATH (list of folders where executables are authorized to run).

  2. Run a scenario. For example the one which is shipped as demonstration in QDT project:

    qdt -s https://github.com/Guts/qgis-deployment-cli/raw/main/examples/scenarios/demo-scenario.qdt.yml

With the stand-alone executable

Typically on Windows

  1. Download latest version that matches your environment from releases

  2. Rename it as qdt.exe

  3. Open a terminal in the same folder

  4. Run a scenario. For example the one which is shipped as demonstration in QDT project:

    ./qdt.exe -s https://github.com/Guts/qgis-deployment-cli/raw/main/examples/scenarios/demo-scenario.qdt.yml

Table of contents


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