Command-line interface usage

Aliases : qdt, qgis-deployment-toolbelt, qdeploy-toolbelt

Commands and options

QGIS Deployment Toolbelt 0.35.3 - QGIS deployment toolbelt is a CLI (Command Line Interface) to perform redundant operations after a QGIS deployment.

qgis-deployment-toolbelt [-h] [--no-logfile] [--version] [-v] [--proxy-http QDT_PROXY_HTTP]
                         {deploy,export-rules-context,upgrade,auto-update,update} ...

qgis-deployment-toolbelt options

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • --no-logfile - Disable log file. Log files are usually created, rotated and stored in thefolder set by QDT_LOGS_DIR.

  • --version - Display CLI version

  • -v, --verbose - Verbosity level. None = WARNING, -v = INFO, -vv = DEBUG. Can be set with QDT_LOGS_LEVEL environment variable and logs location with QDT_LOGS_DIR. (default: 1)

  • --proxy-http QDT_PROXY_HTTP - Option to specify an HTTP proxy in the form: scheme://[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port (default: None)


QDT’s main logic: run the deployment’s scenario.

deployment [-h] [-v] [--proxy-http QDT_PROXY_HTTP] [-s SCENARIO_FILEPATH]

deployment options

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • -v, --verbose - Verbosity level. None = WARNING, -v = INFO, -vv = DEBUG. Can be set with QDT_LOGS_LEVEL environment variable and logs location with QDT_LOGS_DIR. (default: 1)

  • --proxy-http QDT_PROXY_HTTP - Option to specify an HTTP proxy in the form: scheme://[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port (default: None)

  • -s SCENARIO_FILEPATH, --scenario SCENARIO_FILEPATH - Scenario path, local or remote (HTTP/S). (default: scenario.qdt.yml)


Export QDT rules context taking into account the local environment to help rules writing.

rules-context-export [-h] [-v] [--proxy-http QDT_PROXY_HTTP] [-o OUTPUT_PATH]

rules-context-export options

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • -v, --verbose - Verbosity level. None = WARNING, -v = INFO, -vv = DEBUG. Can be set with QDT_LOGS_LEVEL environment variable and logs location with QDT_LOGS_DIR. (default: 1)

  • --proxy-http QDT_PROXY_HTTP - Option to specify an HTTP proxy in the form: scheme://[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port (default: None)

  • -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output OUTPUT_PATH - Path to the output file where to write rules context. (default: /home/runner/.cache/qgis-deployment-toolbelt/export/qdt_rules_context.json)

upgrade (auto-update, update)

Check if a new version of QDT is available and download it locally.

upgrade [-h] [-v] [--proxy-http QDT_PROXY_HTTP] [-c] [-n] [-w LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER]

upgrade options

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • -v, --verbose - Verbosity level. None = WARNING, -v = INFO, -vv = DEBUG. Can be set with QDT_LOGS_LEVEL environment variable and logs location with QDT_LOGS_DIR. (default: 1)

  • --proxy-http QDT_PROXY_HTTP - Option to specify an HTTP proxy in the form: scheme://[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port (default: None)

  • -c, --check-only - Only check if a new version is available. No download.

  • -n, --dont-show-release-notes - Display release notes.

  • -w LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, --where LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER - Folder to store the downloaded file. (default: ./)

Developed by: Julien Moura (Oslandia), Vincent Bré (Oslandia)